Time can wait but you can’t

Prioritizing Action Over Time

Taru Jaiswal
2 min readMay 30, 2024

Yes, you caught that perfectly.

Wait for no one, including yourself.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Act now. Immediately.

Be in the present moment,

without thinking about how long (a task) will take, what the outcomes or advantages will be, if it is worthwhile to devote my energy to it, or whether I should spend my time elsewhere.

Stop overthinking.

The time you spend pondering could be time spent getting things done.

“The fruits of your labor may not appear immediately or directly tied to your actions. Sometimes, the rewards for your current efforts may come in unexpected times and places.”

We’ve all had moments when we achieved something without investing in the necessary effort and credited it to luck.

But wait, it doesn’t work like that.

It wasn’t luck, but rather the payoff for previous efforts. You may not have succeeded then, but now you certainly do.

What you put out into the universe often comes back to you.

I’ve noticed this in my life too, so I’ve started doing things without thinking too much or at all about it.

I believe, the reward will come to me at the destined time, without me having to worry.

But this doesn’t mean that you have to waste your energy on unnecessary things.

Do the tasks that are meaningful even if they seem not worth the time, as it is better than endlessly scrolling through social media or getting lost in intrusive thoughts, which don’t offer any return.

Thank You!



Taru Jaiswal

Narrator of mental wellness | Unveiling the secrets to inner peace | On a quest of self-discovery and growth | Follow to join me on a transformative journey |