How I Quit Procrastinating Without Effort.

Unleash Your Potential

Taru Jaiswal
2 min readMay 29, 2024

Today, I will tell you something that has made me quit procrastination &

I’m confident it can do the same for you!

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I identify as an official procrastinator, and it’s been a significant factor in why I haven’t reached the goals and aspirations I’ve always had.

But this technique has been a game-changer for me, drastically reducing my procrastination habits and helping me progress toward my goals.

What is it?

It’s The Five-Minute Rule-

No matter how daunting or overwhelming a task may seem, commit to working on it for just five minutes, with the understanding that you can quit after five minutes if you like.

But here’s the magic:

Indeed, more often than not, after those initial five minutes, you’ll find yourself so engrossed that those five minutes will effortlessly extend into 30 minutes or more.

But even if not, the five-minute rule has already helped you to cross a major obstacle:

Getting started.

Why does it work?

Well, a tiny amount of effort means you have an uncompleted task on your mind & you’ll be far more motivated to finish the job.

With this new condition, your brain is “tricked” into identifying your daunting task differently.

It’s like your brain convinces itself:

Oh wow. It’s just a five-minute task, let’s tackle it.

By breaking down your task into a small, manageable five-minute chunk, your brain no longer perceives it as a threat & your body won’t enter fight or flight mode.

So next time,

when hitting the gym feels like a burden, changing into your workout clothes or when you’re avoiding work, sitting at your desk, and starting the task for just five minutes can break the inertia.



Taru Jaiswal

Narrator of mental wellness | Unveiling the secrets to inner peace | On a quest of self-discovery and growth | Follow to join me on a transformative journey |