The most impactful thing in our lives

The Key to Fulfillment and Freedom

Taru Jaiswal
2 min readMay 27, 2024

The typical human journey often starts with education, leading to a degree, followed by employment or entrepreneurship, & then ultimately aiming for a settled life.

But why do we do that?

Can we get by without it?


Cause’ only air, water, food & shelter are required for a human to survive on this planet.

Then what leads to the widespread adoption of this pattern without much variation or questioning by the majority of people?

Is it because we have been taught the same thing since childhood that we have lost our subconscious ability to think differently?

Well, I think we do it to feel validated.

To make our presence felt, to be appreciated, to be accepted & to be welcomed, etc.

  • Even though we can learn without attending school or college, we still choose to pursue formal education for the validation it brings from others.
  • We voluntarily participate in the rat race because the one who emerges as a frontrunner or achieves success often receives upliftment from the majority.
  • People with darker skin tones may pursue cosmetics and invest significant amounts of money in them because a large portion of society often validates white skin as the standard of beauty.

This societal perception can create pressure to conform to these beauty standards, leading individuals to seek ways to enhance their appearance, even being aware that all skin tones are equally beautiful.

  • While investing in anything, we typically expect a decent return. However, this expectation often differs when it comes to luxury brands, as their purchase is sometimes motivated more by acceptance or status rather than a tangible ROI.
  • In today’s digital age, we often prioritize documenting our experiences through capturing them, sometimes at the expense of truly savoring and enjoying the moment,

portraying that we’re adhering to societal norms regarding what constitutes a fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Another instance is the pressure to conform to societal standards of success, where individuals may pursue specific careers or lifestyles despite knowing that fulfillment can come in various forms.

We often find ourselves caught up in seeking affirmation from others rather than trusting our instincts and doing what feels right to us, which hinders us from living life to its fullest.

Let’s break free from the chains of external validation and embrace the liberation found in honoring our true selves.

I would like to conclude it with a profound quote-

Man is born free & yet is everywhere in fetters -

Jean-Jacques Rousseau



Taru Jaiswal

Narrator of mental wellness | Unveiling the secrets to inner peace | On a quest of self-discovery and growth | Follow to join me on a transformative journey |