Noone But You

Unveiling the mysteries behind mental health

Taru Jaiswal
4 min readMay 28, 2024

Mental health is a current, serious & pressing global concern on the rise, demanding urgent attention.

Whether consciously or unconsciously, many of us find ourselves trapped in the cycle of regret, self-neglect, dissatisfaction, frustration, & feeling dejected.

I aim to discuss the underlying causes of different mental health issues and propose effective remedies to address them.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
  1. Self-neglect- In this busy life, & a fixed routine with people waking up, going to work, & coming back home, even working after office hrs., occupies their brain & makes them forget to think about themselves.

We pay attention to other’s feelings depending on our acts but we don’t do the same for ourselves. When it comes to self-love & care, we most often entirely neglect it. We eat junk, don’t exercise, procrastinate, don’t give our mental health a priority & sometimes even try to run away from our problems & not solve them which is mainly due to inappropriate time management.

Hence, it’s crucial to prevent such occurrences.

You can avoid this mistake by adhering to the 4D’s of time management.

· Do- The initial step involves tackling the tasks currently in your pipeline, typically those demanding immediate attention. These are often urgent tasks crucial to meeting deadlines promptly. For instance, completing a scheduled presentation demonstrates adherence to this priority. Neglecting tasks in this category could lead to severe consequences.

· Defer- The second step involves temporarily halting tasks delegated to others that aren’t immediately pressing. This occurs when a priority task demands collective attention. However, it’s crucial to note that these tasks will be revisited once there’s availability in the team’s schedule. For instance, you needn’t address all emails immediately; instead, you can prioritize more urgent tasks and return to pending emails when time permits.

· Delegate- When faced with a critical task that requires your attention and another task that can be handled by someone else, it’s time to implement the second action. Delegating involves entrusting a task to another person to complete on your behalf. For instance, assigning reports to document project progress is vital but can be delegated to a team member while you focus on urgent matters.

· Delete- The fourth step empowers the project manager to weed out unimportant tasks or projects from their extensive list. Anything falling into this category is deemed unworthy of valuable time. Avoiding unnecessary meetings and blindly agreeing to every request are examples of actions that can help preempt these superfluous tasks.

2. Regret- It arises from missed opportunities due to factors like time constraints, procrastination, or fear.

It can weigh heavily on individuals, trapping them in the past and blinding them to present possibilities.

To overcome this cycle, it’s essential to release past mistakes and concentrate on the opportunities at hand.

Just as a grape transform into invaluable wine, focusing on current opportunities can lead to personal growth and strength.

Another instance is — Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Like the mythical phoenix rising from its ashes, we can emerge stronger and more resilient from adversity and setbacks.

3. Frustration- It often arises from unmet expectations, obstacles, or a sense of powerlessness.

To overcome it, start by identifying the root cause.

Practice mindfulness to stay grounded and manage emotions effectively.

Adjust expectations & focus on progress rather than perfection.

Finally, establish healthy boundaries to protect your well-being and avoid situations that exacerbate frustration.

4. Dejection- You may feel dejected due to various reasons such as experiencing failure, rejection, or loss, which can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and low self-esteem. To address feelings of dejection, it’s essential to acknowledge and validate your emotions while also recognizing that setbacks are a natural part of life.

To overcome it-

1. Practice gratitude.

2. Engage in physical activity.

3. Connect with nature.

4. Express yourself creatively.

5. Practice mindfulness and meditation.

6. Seek professional help, if needed.

7. Engage in enjoyable activities &

8. Practice self-compassion.

These emotions if not addressed in time, can lead to other complications.

Hence, it is crucial to pay heed to them.

Hope, this article helps you to subjugate any of these feelings, if present, & incarnate peace & contentment in your life.

Have a nice day!



Taru Jaiswal

Narrator of mental wellness | Unveiling the secrets to inner peace | On a quest of self-discovery and growth | Follow to join me on a transformative journey |