I had no friends, so I surrounded myself with leaders.

Taru Jaiswal
3 min readJun 1, 2024


It was New Year’s Eve, & everyone I knew was partying, going out with friends, having dinners, sleepovers, night outs, & stuff,

while I was lying on my sofa, watching television, & thinking about what to do, the only conversation I had with my friends was exchanging wishes on different occasions, like the new year.

As a child, I cherished a lively circle of friends, sharing laughter and adventures.

But as I grew older and embraced my introverted tendencies, I noticed my social circle naturally shrinking.

I’ve never been great at expressing my feelings as I used to be under the constant fear of being judged which hindered me from initiating a conversation.

Even when I did reach out, the interaction didn’t seem to last long, leaving me hoping the other person would take the initiative next time, although that’s often not the case.

Feeling lonely, I used to look at my phone for entertainment in my leisure time.

Until I read a book on Bhagat Singh, - a freedom fighter, revolutionary & a leader.

Reading about his extraordinary actions yet ordinary life, I experienced all kinds of emotions & also the importance of having good & loyal friends. Also, I learned about humanity, the aim of life (which I have mentioned in one of my articles before) & a lot more.

And the best part was, his story filled me with a newfound confidence as if I had a personal dialogue with a legendary figure.

Implementing the lessons I learned led to a significant shift in my outlook on life.

I then picked up, ‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth,’ a book recommended to me countless times over the years. Curiosity about its popularity and a desire to kill off boredom led me to finally crack it open and discover its secrets.

But as I started reading it, I felt like embarking on an adventurous voyage as the author has mentioned about his journey from his humble beginnings to his rise as a prominent leader.

It is an autobiography of an Indian lawyer & political ethicist, namely Mahatma Gandhi.

And the cycle continued….

Each new book I picked up drew me further into its world, enriching my mind and expanding my horizons with every page turned.

As I delved into them, I realized that I used to give my books, an undivided attention which is a very difficult task for an overthinker like me.

I feel like someone is talking to me, telling me their tale. So, I indulge in it (reading) without pushing myself or making any effort.

Again, I got to learn a lot of things,

but this time, some qualities became a part of my personality.

Gradually, I began to flourish as an individual, embodying confidence, optimism, resilience, and a positive nonchalance toward life.

Now, not only am I able to engage with people effortlessly, but I’ve also shed the fear of commitment that once held me back.



Taru Jaiswal

Narrator of mental wellness | Unveiling the secrets to inner peace | On a quest of self-discovery and growth | Follow to join me on a transformative journey |